Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Tips for Writing Book Reviews

person typing on laptop*

Here are some quick tips for writing reviews:


Tell readers of your review what you liked about the book. Perhaps it was the interactions between the characters or a certain thread. Say the book is about airline pilots. Perhaps you enjoyed the air show scene. Whatever is fitting. 

If you give a low score, tell readers why.

Remember the author is a human being with feelings, so take those into account. You could make their day (i.e. encourage them) or ruin their drive for the day by raining on their hard-earned project. 

Try to be as positive as possible. 

For those posting on a blog, please include the buy link with your blog post and the book's cover image. You can often find the cover image (unmarred by Amazon's "Look Inside" graphic) by Googling the book's cover image or visiting the author's website. 

There is no word count limit for how length of reviews, but remember that readers of your review are probably looking for a few notes, not a two-page essay. :) Simply leaving a review benefits authors. Thank you!

Try to avoid:

Please don’t give spoilers. Let readers discover the story for themselves. Please don’t give away plot points or reveal the novel's secrets. 

Please avoid simply restating the summary or back cover description. You can include a summary, but please also share your own thoughts separately. (see reviews on this site for an example) When posting to Amazon, leave off the book's summary and just post your thoughts.

Don’t write your review if you’re in a bad mood. 😊

To get ideas and see examples of book reviews, check the reviews here on Net’s Book Notes, or read others on Amazon, B&N, etc. If you're writing a review for one of my books, thank you! I'm also grateful if you're writing a review for a fellow author. I love supporting other authors, which is why I have this blog full of book reviews, so thank you for reviewing for other writers as well.

Happy reading, and writing, friends! 


Photo credit: Pixabay

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